
Vittén PN

  • Product name : Graft/prosthesis, biomaterial

  • Model name : Vittén
  • Indication : Please refer to the instruction for use
  • [Single use / Sterile medical devices / Do not reuse]

  • Vitten PN / Vitten PN plus (Polynucleotide)

    PN is derived from salmon sperm which is almost same as human DNA.

    PN is affective in treatment for tissue damage, cell proliferation, extracellular matrix formation and restoration of blood vessel .

    Moisture & Elasticity

    Anti-fine lines and wrinkles

    Improvement of Skin barrier function

    Rejuvenation & improvement of skin tone and texture

    Composition: Non cross-linked HA 20mg + PN 5mg / Cross-linked HA 15mg + PN 5mg

    Depth: Superficial layer or epidermis / dermis

    Volume: 3cc/5ml syringe * 1ea/box

    Made in Korea


KOREA MARKET DEPT (Korea office) Add: 대한민국 경기도 하남시 조정대로 163 , 5층 503호(덕풍동, 아이테코)   Tel: 070-4164 3390

INTERNATIONAL DEPT (China office) Add: Xueyuan Road 51-6#,High-tech Zone,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,PR China   Tel: 86-137 3118 7009    Whatsapp: +86 137 3118 7009

JAPAN MARKET DEPT (Japan office) Add: 青森県弘前市本町53,弘前大学医学部附属病院内  Tel: 0172-36-5651